Look forward to seeing everyone on Satur

Look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday at 230 Fifth to celebrate my birthday as well as the birthdays of: Susan Azizo, Patrick Chang, Matthew Fox, Debbie Slate , Joshua Votaw and Leigh Lee. It should be a great night!

Feel free to take advantage of my little birthday present to all my friends with $50 off your summer share. Just need to book before Saturday’s party to get it.

Note: Anyone who knows me, knows that I can’t resist a chance for a marketing tie in even when it’s my own birthday. Sorry, I am an unapologetic entrepreneur and marketer

Excited for a great party and an amazing summer in the Hamptons, Club Getaway, Fire Island and Atlantic City!!

Complete Event Details: http://davidshapiro.net/events/mybirthdayparty
How We Redefined The Summer Share: http://davidshapiro.net/page/summer2014

Questions or to just to chat, call me at 212-579-4844. I am one of the last few people who still use the phone as a phone and will actually answer your calls. I called someone the other night and she was shocked. She didn’t even recognize the sound a phone makes when it rings as opposed to when it gets a text or a new email…it’s an interesting world we live in 🙂

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